Compare une séquence de montage avec les notes OCF QC (notes de contrôle de la qualité des fichiers originaux de la caméra) de tous les jours de tournage. Télécharge jusqu'à 15 fichiers QC CSV et une séquence de montage maître pour comparer et filtrer toutes les notes. Exporte toutes les notes pertinentes sous forme de marqueurs pour Resolve, Premiere Pro et fichier CSV.
Red: QC notes within the defined range
Yellow/Orange: QC notes before the cut time range
Pink: QC notes after the cut time range
The QC markers can be uploaded as CSV or TSV files. Have a look at the structure of the following example files.
CSV | TSV | Silverstack |
A simple csv demo file with qc markers. CSV Demo File |
A simple tsv demo file with qc markers. TSV Demo File |
A simple silverstack demo file with qc markers. Silverstack Demo File |
At a minimum, the following information is required from the uploaded QC markers:
ClipName: This is the assigned name of a video file, this could for example look like: "A001C002_200601_R1AD".
The following alternate column names are also recognized as ClipName, ignoring case sensitivity: Clip, ClipName, File, FileName, Name
Timecode (Start): This is the timecode in the original material at which a QC marker was set. The timecode must be in the format "HH:MM:SS:FF".
The following alternative column names are also recognized as timecode (start), ignoring case sensitivity: Timecode, In, TC In, Start, TC Start, Timecode In, Timecode Start, At Timecode
Exception 1: If a marker applies to the whole clip, one of the following values may be defined instead of the timecode: 00:00:00:00, Entire Shot, Complete, all
Exception 2: The timecode field may also contain a range marker. Then it must contain a content according to the following pattern: "HH:MM:SS:FF - HH:MM:SS:FF
" for example "12:02:31:10 - 12:02:44:01
". Still it's recommended to use a "Timecode End" column instead.
Timecode (End): This is optional and is only needed for range markers, i.e. the end of the QC marker. The timecode must be in the format "HH:MM:SS:FF".
The following alternative column names are also recognized as timecode (end), ignoring case sensitivity: Out, TC Out, Timecode Out, End, Timecode End, End Timecode
Note: The description of the QC note. Please avoid commas in the notes if possible. The following alternative column names are also recognized as Note, ignoring case sensitivity: Note, Notes, Comment, Comments
CSV File from Silverstack
Value needs to be seperated by Semikolon, e.g.: Name;Label;Episode;Scene;Shot;Take;Cue Points
The CSV File needs to have at least a "Name" and "Cue Points" column. Every Cue Point needs to contain a TC, Marker Typ, Length and QC Note, seperated by a vertical bar "|". Cue Point Notes can not contain any Comma. Example: 12:19:47.03 | Mark | 0 | focus
Multiple Cue Points need to be seperated by Comma, e.g.: 12:19:47.03 | Mark | 0 | focus, 12:22:35.21 | Mark | 0 | camera shake
Please check the demo file above.
Yes, this is possible. Please create a .zip
file with all of your csv/tsv files and upload the one zip file instead of your csv files.
In case you don’t see any markers, make sure they are in the right timecode area and try to zoom out of your timeline.
No., Timecode In, Timecode Out, Frame In, Frame Out, Name, Comment, Color, File Name, File
Timecode, Filename, QC Note